Category: Recommended

  • 7 Lies Airport Security Likes To Tell

    7 Lies Airport Security Likes To Tell

    In the interest of full disclosure, I worked for the TSA a few years ago. It was a short project, but my job was to help them increase their effectiveness in spotting threats while acting more humane toward people who aren’t. I’ll let you decide how effective the work was, but every time I go […]

  • Never worry about foreign bathrooms again.

    Never worry about foreign bathrooms again.

    You are finally packing to go on your dream vacation. You’ve been looking forward to it for months, and are just about to get on the airplane for the adventure of a lifetime. You don’t want to have your trip wrecked by something so simple as not being able to find shampoo in a country […]

  • How safe are you really while traveling?

    How safe are you really while traveling?

    The first thing family members will say when you tell them you are traveling to another country is “Oh my! It’s so dangerous over there, full of thieves and gangs!” If you are female, this goes triple, while everyone tries to talk you out of being such a rebellious risk-taker and into living in a […]

  • Travel cheaply, just don’t smell like it

    Travel cheaply, just don’t smell like it

    Sometimes you finally arrive at the gorgeous hotel you booked online to find out that it’s the kind of place you are afraid to touch anything. Nobody wants the kind of cooties that send you rushing to a foreign hospital in the middle of a vacation, and you are pretty sure the free shampoo expired […]

  • The Great Minimalism Hoax: Is It Survivalism?

    The Great Minimalism Hoax: Is It Survivalism?

    Minimalism is scary. Giving up all of your stuff? What if I need that later? It’s easy to see it as survivalism, getting by on the bare minimum you need to survive. In reality, its the opposite, getting rid of the things that kept you from truly living, and I’m going to tell you how. When […]

  • The Ultimate Travel Belt (with exclusive interview!)

    The Ultimate Travel Belt (with exclusive interview!)

    As a minimalist, you’ve got the flow to the airport perfected. You know the best route there. You use the kiosk to breeze past the long line of suckers checking bags. Then you slam headfirst into security. Suddenly you are herded into the slowest-moving line of families who have never flown in their lives arguing […]

  • Update: The Secret to Free Internet May Disappear

    Update: The Secret to Free Internet May Disappear

    One of the most popular articles on CEO lately has been How to get free high speed internet anywhere in the world. One tiny little device that gets you free internet anywhere in the world that has cel phone signal? This trick has helped me out of more situations than I would like to admit, and […]

  • The key to being prepared

    The key to being prepared

    Your long hike through the jungle on elephant-back has finally come to a close, and despite all of your amazing photos and stories, your body can’t wait to get off this lumbering beast. Your back is sore, your legs are tired from balancing your body for hours on end, and the only thing keeping you […]

  • How to get free high speed internet anywhere in the world

    How to get free high speed internet anywhere in the world

    You are finally relaxing in a hammock on a tropical island with one of the greatest views you have ever seen. Reading that book you have been trying to get around to for way too long, and now you are so far from civilization that nothing can disturb you. Not even that important meeting this […]

  • The bulge you don’t want in your pants

    The bulge you don’t want in your pants

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been walking around a new city and suddenly seen an amazing adventure almost out of reach. An abandoned theme park (one of my favorites), a hill with an amazing view, or even a playground in the middle of the night with only an old fence between us […]