Category: Fun
Traveling with friends without killing each other
Traveling with friends is one of the most fun and rewarding experiences in life. Finding adventures, creating stories you will tell for years, and deepening bonds with people who are important to you. It’s also one of the most trying experiences you can go through, and quickly shows you the true colors of your friends…
Playing with tigers and elephants: Thailand Adventure Guide
Of course Thailand is near the top of most people’s travel lists. It’s covered in exotic beaches brimming with some of the most deliciously healthy food in the world. So many movies have been filmed on its gorgeous islands that you can pick whether you want to visit the filming locations for James Bond, The…
How to make friends like it’s magic
There you are, on a day-long train ride surrounded by people you don’t know. Their English is broken, so deep conversation is impossible. Faced with hours of boredom in a rocky seat, you know exactly what to do. You reach into your coat pocket and pull out your well-worn copy of Monopoly Deal. A little…