Of all the secret travel gadgets in my arsenal, this little guy is one of my favorites. It’s tiny, cheap, and constantly useful during international travel. It has a permanent fixture in my travel jacket, and has made more international flights fun that I could even count.
Staying entertained
Flights are perfect for catching up on pop culture. Nestling into the seat and flipping through page after page of movies and music on that little TV screen. There are guaranteed to be movies you’ve never heard of, TV shows your friends have talked about but you never got around to watching, and intriguing music from around the world.
You’ve already researched the best travel headphones to block out plane noise while giving you glorious sound. All that’s left is relaxing back, plugging in your headphones, and — wait a second.
That’s not a normal headphone jack. That’s a weird airplane one that they want you to buy special headphones to use. Headphones that let in all the sounds of your seat neighbor munching on Ruffles while you try to make out what anyone is saying. You might be able to put your headphones in one and wiggle it until you kind of get some noise in your left ear, but that might just be aliens trying to contact truckers over a CB radio.
What are you to do?
The glorious adapter
You pull this out of your pocket and plug it in. Boom! Suddenly your perfect headphones have all of the crystal clear quality you are used to and you zone out into blissful entertainment until the next meal comes by. No muss, no fuss, all glory.
Honestly, what says “I know what I’m doing” more than pulling one of these out while everyone else futzes with their expensive headphones? You are lost in the movie you’ve wanted to see before they’ve figured out how to work the menu.
That’s why you’re here, after all. You want to be the pro traveler sliding through the sea of unwashed masses, and this is one more stepping stone on that road.
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